Wednesday, 6 July 2016

My Information Report about Arctic Wolves

Information Report Blog Post Term 2 2016

WALT inform others about an animal/creature or habitat, through our writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. Create a title.
  2. Write a general introduction.
  3. Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
  4. Use facts written in your own words.
  5. Write a conclusion.
  6. Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
  7. Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
  8. Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
  9. Write in present tense.
  10. Vary the sentence beginnings.
  11. Use complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.
The Arctic Wolf
The Arctic wolf is a member of the Canidae family. It is a mammal and lives mainly in cold regions of the world.

Arctic Wolves are white or grey and they weigh from 18 to 79 kilograms. They are about 1 metre tall, they get up to 1.5 metres in length and they are 63 to 79 centimetres tall.

Arctic Wolves eat nesting birds, musk oxen, lemmings, ptarmigan seals and caribou. They also eat foxes, Arctic hares, salmon and rodents.

The male and female alphas (the head wolves) of the pack will mate, they have one litter of pups per year between January and March. They start breeding between 2 and 3 years old and mate for life.

Arctic Wolves live in cold snowy places in Canada and North America. Sometimes if there is no snow it is grassy and they can live here as well. They live in dens underground. Sometimes they dig their dens or they will find another one.

Arctic Wolves are not endangered at present. They do face threats of endangerment like losing their food supply because of the development of mines, roads and pipelines in their habitat.

Arctic Wolves are an animal that has adapted to the cold and they are facing some threats.

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